PPP-Project Morocco

SUNSET Training and Research Centre inaugurated in Morocco
IOn the 20th of November 2013, in the line with a grand opening ceremony and in the presence of Mr Amara, the Moroccan Minister of Energy, and Dr Witter, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, a pilot photovoltaic system from the German company SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH was inaugurated on the roof of the Technopark in Casablanca (Morocco).
The test system is part of a collaboration with the DEG and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This system, forms part of a development assistance project in the frameworks of the programme DeveloPPP, as it has been co-financed by SUNSET (54 %) and by the Federal Ministry of Development (46 %).
Dominik Hammer, responsible for the international sales department and head of the project presented the milestones of the project during the inauguration ceremony. The project comprises an installation on the facade of the Technopark, with modules especially produced in the German factory of SUNSET. The programme also includes the advanced training of 15 multiplicators who participated in three training phases, both theoretical and practical, held by German solar experts and containing the different technology fields.
preparatory work, in order to make the solar technology a mainstay of Morocco's energy
supply. The necessary reforms, which have not yet been implemented by his pre-
decessors are supposed to be realised in 2014. The ambassador Dr Witter also praised
the extraordinary project in his speech, underlining the project's contribution to the good
relationship between Germany and Morocco.
SUNSET Energietechnik GmbH is a medium-sized solar company founded in 1979 with its headquarters in Adelsdorf
(Central Franconia). The main objective of the company is to establish solar energy as an environmentally friendly
and renewable alternative. The German production site and high quality material lead to a high customer satisfaction
both, in Germany and abroad.
The DEG is a subsidiary of the KfW and finances investments of private companies in developping countries and emerging
countries. As one of the biggest European financiers of development, it supports the extension of commercial structures
in order to contribute to sustainable growth.
With the DeveloPPP programme, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports the
commitment of the private economy everywhere, where corporate opportunities meet the need for action in development